Monday, August 29, 2016

Spouting Tavern Lore

Inebra is the dwarven Goddess of Drink. She was forged when Navanor Truestone was experimenting with different quenching materials, and he used rum (dwarven of course, 3 times more potent than that human drivel). Being what serious minded people might think of as the Divine posterchild of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, during her youth, she would disguise herself and engage people in drinking contests.

After a few centuries of this, a human named Ogmar recognized her, and he asked for her hand in marriage should he win. She was conflicted in this, but in that moment of doubt, she knew she had to reaffirm her position as The Best of the Best. She won, but he lasted long enough to get her a little tipsy, drinking at least 8 times what a human should. She could have at that point, changed her mind and he not do a thing about it. Her father would not have anything but a dwarf wed his child either, so she transformed him into a dwarf, and promoted him to demi-god. She also bequeathed the name Oathbinder upon him for making a god keep her word.

This is why in proper dwarven society (for a game featuring this lore) there is a largely matriarchal chain of command with every step having a council of 8 males acting as council to a woman holding the actual position.

The question has been posed how she was forced to keep her word, and the answer, is that she was tipsy and confused.

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