Saturday, October 21, 2017


Sorry about this vent post, I don't really expect anything out of it.

I have noticed that some of the DW crowd seems to think I have wrongbadfun with the system. In a way, they're not wrong, but also they're not right. Because DW is what you make it. Quite honestly, sometimes I get an idea or remember something from another game, and I duplicate that thing faithfully from the other game, with the intention of emulating its intent within the other game, even if I have to disregard DW precepts to do it. 

This is my prerogative as the holder of the account(s) where I make the respective post(s). 
This is my prerogative as the person who runs DW games for my friends and acquaintances on chat servers, forums, and so on. When you run a game for me, you choose what goes into it, and I work collectively with the group to decide (or to use a more apt phrase, "find out") what comes out of it.
Just because you can do something a certain way, doesn't mean I want to as well, and if I don't, no amount of explanation on your part will change that.
This applies to any monster, item, rule, or hack I make with the system.
This applies to the terminology I choose to convey the idea.
This applies to the system itself as stated by the owners who made it.
I can take advice, but be warned, some of it will go unheeded, and I'm not required to explain why.